
Four Tips For Avoiding The Appearance Of Drunk Driving When Stopped At A Checkpoint

If you get stopped at a sobriety checkpoint, whether you were stopped for reckless driving or because it's a "stop all cars" type of checkpoint, you'll want to present the most sober appearance and behavior you possibly can to the police officer who comes to your window. This is, of course, the case whether you've had a drink that night or not, but it's trickiest if you've had a drink and you know your blood alcohol level is below the legal limit. Read More 

Use These Tips To Reduce The Risk Of Your Gathering Ending In A DWI Arrest

When you're planning a party at which alcohol will be served, the last thing you might be thinking about is having one of the attendees pulled over on the way home for driving while intoxicated. While a good attorney who specializes in DWI cases can help your friend, the best approach is to ensure that no one leaves your party under the influence of alcohol and plans to drive. While each adult, in the end, is responsible for his or her own actions, you can take a variety of steps as the party organizer to reduce the risk of the evening ending with someone having to call a local DWI attorney. Read More 

What To Understand When Charged With Assault

Acts of violence often originate from passion. Most people don't want to hurt someone else. However, when a person commits a harmful act towards you or a loved one, it is somewhat human to retaliate. Unfortunately, some forms of retaliation are against the law and can result in an assault charge. If you've found yourself in this predicament, it's a good idea to know what's ahead and what you should do. Read More 

What To Do If You Are Stopped And Detained By A Police Officer

If you are stopped by a police officer while walking in public or driving on the road, you may wonder how long they can legally detain you, and what rights you may have while being detained. You may also wonder about what kind of legal procedures can properly be done during a stop. Here is a brief rundown of what may happen and what rights you have. The Purpose of the Stop Read More 

Answering Questions About What To Expect From Working With A Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal charges can be an extremely stressful experience for anyone to go through because there are serious consequences for being found guilty. Not surprisingly, it is critically important for a person to seek out experienced legal counsel when they are facing this type of problem. However, there are many people that are unsure of what to expect when they work with an attorney, and if this applies to you, the following couple of answers will help you to better understand this process. Read More