
Plea Agreements And Drug Charges

If you have received drug charges, there is a good chance the prosecutor will offer you a plea agreement. You may wonder if you should take it or not. Here is what you should know about these offers. The Basics of a Standard Plea Bargain To speed up the process and avoid the expense of a trial, prosecutors often offer plea agreements to defendants, and if they don't, you can request one. Read More 

Proving Someone Faked An Injury On Your Property

If you are a store owner, and you had an incident occur within your building or on your grounds where someone pretended to become injured, you will most likely want to prove your innocence in the matter so you will not need to pay for the person's falsified medical bills or loss of wages. Proving someone is faking an injury may be a bit difficult, but with the proper documentation and help from a lawyer, like those at Walsh Fewkes Sterba, you may be able to convince a jury and judge that you were not at fault. Read More 

3 Things You Should Do When Arrested To Avoid Unintended Complications

Most people are familiar with their Miranda rights when being arrested, but they can only protect you if you decide to actually use them. Here 3 things that you should do when you are arrested to avoid accidentally making the situation worse. Never Use Force If a police officer is arresting you, it is best to co-operate and go along with what the officer requests of you at the time, even if it's a false arrest. Read More 

Overturning A Criminal Conviction In Utah: How A DUI Attorney Can Help

If you were recently charged and convicted of seriously injuring someone with your car, but the charge and conviction was based on unopened alcohol in your vehicle, you should have an attorney take another look at your case. Hiring a Utah DUI attorney can help in the following ways. Taking a Second Look at the Arrest If you had alcohol in your vehicle at the time of the accident, that does not mean you should have been immediately charged with a DUI. Read More 

When And How To Make Changes To Your Will

When you pass away, one of the first things your family will look for is your will. A will is a legal document that states your wishes, and it will ensure that your assets get transferred to the right people. After you create a will, you may need to revise it from time to time. Here are three things you should realize about wills and making changes to yours.  How Often Should You Revise It? Read More